I managed to paint 11 Devilgaunts before losing the will to live. So that will have to do for now. This means that I have painted a total of 83 gaunts with only 9 remaining. You'd think it would be easy to make the big push and finish the last few wouldn't you? Its not. Its boring.
I may need to undergo a partial lobotomy in order to get the last few done. |
I even painted the eyes, teeth and hooves of this batch. I thought it might make me more fond of the Termagant model. But they're still shitty-statline-remove-them-in-handfuls-nobody-gives-them-a-second-look workhorse gaunts at the end of the day. Actually, thats not entirely true. In games, I find a sprinkling of devourers in the brood makes them much more shooty and not just deckchair units. Which is nice. Its not great, but its nice. Maybe I'm just playing them wrong. I don't care, gaunts are my least favourite unit. Ooooh the irony.
On a plus note, my infested terrain is coming along nicely:
"All about me the red weed clambered among the ruins, writhing to get above me in the dimness." |
I've finished building 3 ruins now and they have been basecoated with the first lot of drybrushing finished. That lovely man Nathan at my local GW store gave me a load of discontinued gaming hills which are rife with possibilities. I plan to build a full Tyranid infestation board and my
Zuzzy gaming mat is on order. Sorry Nathan, I can't afford a Realm of Battle board but I am entirely willing to prostitute myself further with a view to obtaining more free stuff.